Chemicals Cleaning Filter

Chemicals Cleaning Filter

CAD $9.95

Concentrated cartridge cleaner. Removes accumulated dirt, scale, rust stains, body oils and cosmetic residues in reusable filter cartridges.

900 ml




CAD $10.95 - REFILL CAD $6.95

1 Litre

eco-friendly multi-purpose cleaner for home or business

One cleaning product - CITRA CLEAN
- can replace all the expensive and toxic hazardous chemicals around the home or business ... and at a fraction of the cost! Just by adding water to CITRA CLEAN
- a concentrate made from natural citrus oils
- ideal for cleaning your hot tub filter

Our unique formula makes one of the safest products you will ever use. is non-corrosive and non-flammable.

Most homes and businesses have dozens of expensive and dangerous products. As you use them up, refill them with and start saving money!

Carpet Stains Glass Washing Machines Pressure Washers
Carpet Shampooer Windows, Mirrors, Glass Car Interiors
Gum on Carpets De-fogging Glass & Mirrors Sawmills
Carbon Stainless Steel Upholstery
Jewellery Vinyl Tops  

Put CITRA CLEAN to the test. You will be amazed at how this "environment and people friendly" cleaning product matches or outperforms most products available today!

  Spa Marvel® Filter Cleaner
CAD $24.95

• Spa Marvel Filter Cleaner is a powerful cleaner designed to remove oils, hair, dirt and grime that gets trapped in the fabric of cartridge filters without the use of bleach or harsh acids.

• Simply remove filter from spa and rinse with a spray hose. Add two capfuls of Spa Marvel Filter Cleaner to upto 20 liters of fresh water in a pail.  Soak filter overnight in the solution.  
Rinse filter thoroughly with fresh water.  Ideally the filter should be allowed to dry before replacing.

• Most odours are a result of contaminants that have accumulated in the spa's filter.  Using Spa Marvel Filter Cleaner on a regualr basis will help avoid odour problems.