The Advantages of Pure Acrylic

The Advantages of Pure Acrylic

  The Advantages of Pure Acrylic

Consider these benefits:

  • Optically clearer than glass
  • 92% light transmittance
  • 55% lighter than glass
  • Excellent weather and chemical resistance
  • Optional tinting allowing up to 45% reduction in heat gain.
  • 2 to 7 times the thermal efficiency of glass
  • 75% less condensation than with glass
  • Built-in ultra violet filter that will help prolong the life of fabrics and furnishings
  • 24 ft. spans are possible without a break
  • Excellent sound-proofing characteristics
  • No cross members to impede flow of water run
  • 85% UV reduction
  • Sealed with Santoprene, remains alive under heat and pressure
  • Santoprene seal lasts 25 YEARS!


The cost of adding a sunroom is always a major factor when considering such an addition to the home.

Acrylic sheets have been extensively developed since their introduction and are now a proven building material for outdoor usage.

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  Gone are the days when people had complaints of sun deterioration causing yellowing, brittleness and stress crazing. Today acrylic is found virtually everywhere, from faceshields in sports equipment, massive solarium expanses in commercial architecture to windows of jet aircraft.

Usage of acrylic in sunroom design has many inherent qualities since it has excellent cold forming capabilities and lends itself well to the forms of straight and curved wood/aluminium rafters. In fact, acrylic will support a higher degree of stress when curved than in a flat design.



If a project calls for a specialized shape, acrylic can be heat-formed or molded to the desired outline. Hence its versatile nature can accommodate many architectural styles, which would be prohibitive in glass due to expense and design. The high thermal resistance compared to glass (four times as great) provides an excellent insulating performance which allows the sunroom to work all the year around, preventing winter heat getting out and summer heat getting in.

Neighbour's baseballs and/or, rocks, kicked up when mowing lawns will not be worrisome, as acrylic has eighteen times more impact resistance than glass, this safety feature is nice to know. Should a sheet be broken it will not shatter but merely crack and thereby can be easily and inexpensively replaced.

It is interesting to note that acrylic is also half the weight of glass and 10 per cent the density of aluminium. If noise abatement is a consideration of a sunroom design, acrylic is a superb material for absorbing sound, indeed many large corporations use acrylic as a sound barrier in office partitions.


  Once these considerations have been accounted for, the next problem to tackle is the control of solar heat gain and glare within the building. This is achieved through the implementation of varying degrees of tinting according to sun exposure. As the color tinting increases, the control of both solar heat and glare become more effective. Objects viewed in the neutral gray tints will have a natural appearance while the transparent bronze tints impart color warmth. All tints will reduce solar energy transmittance in the range of 20 to 75 per cent and provide a high degree of privacy.   images


Custom designed and constructed sunrooms can incorporate various types of windows, sliding doors, aluminium storm doors and solar vent fans and will provide an affordable and attractive addition to your home for entertaining, relaxing, dining or hobbies. Natural light is maximized and so provides excellent growing conditions for plants all year round and makes for a pleasant and healthy work area. Because of their versatility, acrylic sunrooms can be constructed in a great variety of sizes and designs to suit your own particular need.