Balancing the Water of Your Spa

Balancing the Water of Your Spa

Balancing the Water of Your Spa

pH | Alkalinity | Calcium Hardness

Water balance is important to the overall performance of your spa. No spa's water conditions are exactly alike. The water source, location of the spa and frequency of use all affect the water balance. Unbalanced water can damage the equipment, make the water uncomfortable for the user, and decrease the effectiveness of the disinfectant. Total alkalinity, pH, and calcium hardness must be within the correct range to balance the water.

- Simply, pH is a scale indicating whether spa water is basic, neutral or acidic. Spa water should be in the range of 7.2-7.8.
- A low pH below 7.2 leads to corrosion of spa equipment and will eritate the skin of the bathers. The sanitizer will dissipate more rapidly. A low pH can be corrected with PLUS GEL.
- A high pH above 7.8 promotes scaling on heat exchange tubes, creates cloudy water, calcium deposits and reduces the effectiveness of disinfecting agents. A high pH can be corrected by adding MINUS GEL.
Total alkalinity is a measure of the alkalines in the water. They act as a pH buffer or a pH stabilizer preventing large changes in the pH. The total alkalinity should be 80-150 p.p.m.; ideally 120 p.p.m. Tablet chlorines and bromine tend to gradually lower the alkalinity level.
A low total alkalinity causes:
  • the pH to wander
  • corrosive water
  • disinfectants to be ineffective
To raise the total alkalinity add ALKALINITY.
A high total alkalinity causes:
  • cloudy water
  • scale formation
To lower the total alkalinity add MINUS GEL.
  image   Add MINUS GEL
Calcium Hardness:
Calcium hardness is the hardness present due to dissolved calcium. The desired range is 150-250 p.p.m.
A low calcium hardness causes:
  • corrosive water
  • staining of surfaces
  • staining of spa
To raise calcium hardness add CALCIUM.
A high calcium hardness causes:
  • scaling of heating pipes
  • cloudy water
To correct this problem add STAIN CONTROL.
  image   Add STAIN CONTROL